Tis the Season!

I started out with this wonderful tutorial 
by Amy Bell, 
at Positively Splendid.

After making a few, I found out it worked better for me to have 
two separate pieces to work with.    

Notes to self for next year...

 This one is small I started with 2 pieces 6.5 x 7.5,  Sewed a side seam so I can work with the top 
as a flat piece of fabric.  First cut a 1/4" spot on the sides 4.5" down from the top.  Fold and press the top of bag, as above, then stitch it down.  

Then fold top down to 1/4" cut marks.  I stitch on the previous stitched line to secure it.  Then Stitch again above that line enough for a ribbon casing.   Sew remaining side seam shut.

After sewing the bottom shut, flip it up about an inch and sew it on both side seams to keep it in place.
This will give you a nice bottom to your bag.

These are fun to make and easy to make in any size.

