My friends recently turned me on to Sotak Handmade. She has some great YouTube Videos. After watching her Reversible Fabric Basket Video, I came across this Pioneer Woman placemat. While it's not really reversible, because of the seams (unlined), it is functional and pretty.
I just cut the rippled edges off the long sides of the mat, and sewed up the side seams. Cut 3" squares out of the bottom corners to make for a wide, flat bottom. So simple!
We've been wearing masks for so long now, time for a few new ones.
Can I just tell you how much I love this style of mask?!
This is by far, the easiest mask I have made. The design would lend well to adding embroidery or fussy cutting a design to be featured.
Again this tutorial by Sotak Handmade is awesome!
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